Just a little reminder. . .

We all have that someone we look up to. When we think of that person, we think “ahhh! They are living the dream!”

Today, is your reminder that even if it looks like their daily life is rainbows and kittens. It’s not.

Everyone has hard days. And that is ok.

So, if you’re having a day when you feel like you’re the only one. You’re not. We are all out here just trying to figure life out, sometimes, one day at a time.

So. Take a deep breath. Get yourself centered. And keep going.

A little encouragement:

Some days are hard.

You might feel the tension of wanting to get past a certain obstacle, once-and-for-all.

You might feel like you just don’t have the energy.

You might feel like you’re.just.done.

You keep pressing forward, and put one foot in front of the other.

Then, the tides turn.

You realize that the things you have prayed, wished, hoped, and longed for- they are beginning to unfold.

All the things that didn’t make sense before are beginning to make sense, now.

Y’all know that I’m BIG on sharing what I’m going through in the hopes that it helps someone. That if someone else relates, or gets hope from it- than it’s important to share!

Today, I realized, that so many things I’ve prayed for over the last 10 years have begun to come to tuition- even if they didn’t look the way I intended- or according to my plan.

Today, I want to encourage you- if you are there, in the deep of it all.

If you can barely see what’s ahead of you.

If you are barely surviving- and holding on. . . Keep on keeping on.

Keep fighting.

Keep pushing forward- because- if you pursue the things that are on your heart.

Man, things will look different.

I can promise you the timeline. That’ll look different for each and every person. It’ll depend on how much of the work you put in- but, man. . .

Where you see darkness, now- you’ll see the light and beauty, later!

Keep holding on! Keep fighting. Keep making changes!

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

I want to be very clear- I’m not a mental health professional.

I am; however, someone who has continually worked through anxiety and depression.

Because of my journey with anxiety and depression, I’m a big believer in sharing experiences. I believe that sharing experiences can be a source of healing to the person “going through it”. In my opinion, it can help to hear stories from those who have gone before you. I know, because it’s one of the things that helped me on my journey.

One of the many sayings I’ve heard over and over was: I wish I knew, then, that other people went through x,y,z.

Thankfully, talking about Mental Health is becoming more and more accepted.

This month, I’d like to share and re-share my journey.

I’d love to share resources.

I’d love to share hope.

If you or someone you know battles with Mental Health, know that you are loved. You are not alone.

Please visit https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/ if you need resources.

21 Days of Christmas: Days 8-15

Well, I lost track of time this past week, with it being the week of Christmas, and didn’t keep up with the 21 Days of Showing Kindness through Christmas, and into the New Year.

If you’re like me, you can get off track, and start again when you can! The goal is to keep going, even when you have to take a short break. . .

With that, here we go!

Day 8- Bring someone joy by painting a rock, and hide it somewhere in your community for someone to find.

Day 9- Leaving encouraging post-it notes in random places. Maybe at your work, the grocery store. Get creative!

Day 10- if you go out to eat, find out when your favorite restaurant has their weekly special. Order off of the special menu. Your bill will be lower. But don’t stop there! Leave a larger tip than you would normally be able to for your waiter, with an encouraging note on the receipt!!

Day 11- bring someone their favorite drink and snack!

Day 12- when you’re grateful for something that someone has done. Tell them “thank you”, and why you are glad they are in your life.

Day 13- compliment someone. Did they do a great job at work? Did they take out the trash? Did they go above and beyond? Did they show up? Let them know you noticed!

Day 14- bring the people in your office breakfast. Donuts, anyone?!

Day 15-going through the drive through? pay for the next person in line’s coffee. If you can only lend a small amount- that’s ok. Ask the barista if someone has ordered with the amount you can give, or pay towards someone’s order!

Times can be rough. Just remember to keep spreading the kindness!!

Just a little reminder. . .

We all have that someone we look up to. When we think of that person, we think “ahhh! They are living the dream!”

Today, is your reminder that even if it looks like their daily life is rainbows and kittens. It’s not.

Everyone has hard days. And that is ok.

So, if you’re having a day when you feel like you’re the only one. You’re not. We are all out here just trying to figure life out, sometimes, one day at a time.

So. Take a deep breath. Get yourself centered. And keep going.

21 Days of Christmas: Day 6

During this next week, sometimes people get so focused on the things we “need” to do to get ready for the Holidays that we often forget to think of others. Instead of rushing through your to-do list. Slow down and smile.

Today, smile at that person next to you in line at the store. Smile at the person who cut you off. Smile at the person who huffed at you. Smile at the person who is flustered. Smile at the person whose kids are acting crazy in the store.

And no- don’t be sarcastic with it. Give ‘em a genuine smile. Let them know that you see them. Extend that grace! Just smile.

21 Days of Christmas: Day 3

I don’t know about you, 9x out of 10, if I’m in a hurry- my hands are full with kids in tow.

Most places I go, now, have automatic doors, curbside, or drive through. That’s because I tend to frequent places that help make life a little easier.

However, there was a time that I had: my large bag, a baby bag, and 1, 2, or 3 kids.

And, I don’t know if you’ve ever had your hands full, when a stranger holds a door open for you. . . But it’s small things, like holding a door open where people find hope in humanity.

So, for Day 3- Let’s do it. Hold open that door, wish them a great day, and smile!

21 Days of Christmas: Day 2

Kindness is like a warm hug.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been blown away by the kindness of strangers.

And the best part, is that it doesn’t cost a single thing.

There have been many instances when a friend or family member sent me an encouraging text, or called me at just the right time.

So, today send someone an encouraging note. Let them know how awesome you think they are. If you know the struggles they have going on in their life, speak life into those situations.