Just a little reminder. . .

We all have that someone we look up to. When we think of that person, we think “ahhh! They are living the dream!”

Today, is your reminder that even if it looks like their daily life is rainbows and kittens. It’s not.

Everyone has hard days. And that is ok.

So, if you’re having a day when you feel like you’re the only one. You’re not. We are all out here just trying to figure life out, sometimes, one day at a time.

So. Take a deep breath. Get yourself centered. And keep going.

Tiny Living and Outdoor Play

Playing in the mud, and fun water play was a big part of our lives when we lived in our house-even during the school year.

I’m glad to say that our fun water activities have transferred to tiny living.

It just means we get creative.

Instead of soapy slip and slides made out of tarp, we now have buckets of soapy water to play in. Even now, at 11, 8, and 4 years- they still enjoy the fun water play.

We still do a lot of the same things we did, when we lived in a house- it just looks a little different, now!


One of the things that I absolutely love, right now, is flexibility. We can get school work done quickly, or we can pause in the middle of the day and finish later.

It’s something we couldn’t do, before. I’m so thankful for my husband’s new job! On his slow days, we can go swimming or exploring in the middle of the day.

Years ago, I had partnered with a company, and something we did was make Vision Boards. Some of the things on my vision board were travel and flexibility.

I thought that we had to be at a certain income level to be able to do that.

What I learned was, that I don’t have to reach x,y,z expectation before doing anything. If we just take that first step, God will lead us. Our motto over the last few years has been: We will say yes until God says no.

It’s been amazing to see how He shows up, when I get out of my own way!

What are some of your dreams? What would you give up to get there?!