Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you all are having a wonderful day today. I hope you feel the love and warmth of those you find around you, today. If you find yourself working or alone I hope you feel the love and peace of God, today, knowing you are loved by someone who loves bigger than anyone on the earth can love. And I hope that you see that in the world around you, today!

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 12- 21

Sometimes it’s great to write the reasons why you a grateful. Sometimes it’s great to write a list, and smile as you remember the memory behind the list. There are many ways to be grateful! Do what works for you.

Day 12: I’m thankful for God’s grace

Day 13: Finding myself

Day 14: Learning how to surrender

Day 15: Nature.Nature.Nature.

Day 16: Concerts and music

Day 17: Birds

Day 18: Wildflowers

Day 19: aunts and cousins

Day 20: Mom

Day 21: Leaps of faith

30 Days of Thankful: Days 1-11

How it’s already November 11th, and I allowed “30 Days of Thankfulness” to slip is beyond me.

However, over the years I’ve learned it’s never too late to start something.

So, today- feel free to join me in centering our hearts on being grateful!

My hope for you is that this will not only be a “November thing”.

If you struggle with negative thoughts and mindsets- I hope this will be a tool for you to shift your mindset and find ways to look for things you’re grateful for year round!

Some ways you can document this are: Journaling, a thankful chain, writing what you’re thankful for on strips of paper and adding them to a jar…or just google to find some fun, creative and simple ideas! There are SO SO many out there!

With that being said…Let’s get started!!

Day 1: My job. In August, I went back to teaching in the public school setting- and I enjoy what I do SO much!

Day 2: Our apartment

Day 3: Adventures with friends

Day 4: Solo adventures

Day 5: My kids! They are so much fun- and they keep me on my toes.

Day 6: Friends. We laugh, cry, stand in the gap, do nothing, have deep conversations, dream, and more together.

Day 7: Books. The joy of reading coming back- I’ve missed it.

Day 8: Growth and healing.

Day 9: Fall! It was a hot summer- I’m SO grateful for some cooler weather.

Day 10: God- I could write a whole novel…and for now I will say…He holds me when I am weak.

Day 11: Slow days. We need them so much to gain rest in between the school days and activities.

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 9-26

This November has been the most oddly busy season. With our kids getting sick every couple of weeks, it’s been harder to focus on writing. That being said…I still want to share the things I’ve been grateful for during this season!

Day 9: My new devotional: Jesus Calling Family Devotional

Day 10: One of my favorite traditions is actually one of our weekly traditions. Friday is Donut for Breakfast and Pizza/Movie Night. It’s something we look forward to every week!

Day 11: Knife Throwing. Look it up!

Day 12: The actual color: purple.

Day 13: Summer. I look forward to summer hikes, swimming, and more free time.

Day 14: The crisp coolness of the fall air.

Day 15: My husband and kids- and the power of FaceTime.

Day 16: Good tacos!!

Day 17: Learning and training opportunities

Day 18: fun times with friends!

Day 19: I’m grateful to be home!

Day 20: Sleep. Allowing myself to rest and recoup when my body needs it.

Day 21: Early Travel Days!!

Day 22: My mom and dad!

Day 23: Being outdoors

Day 24: The sound of laughing kids!

Day 25: Time with family.

Day 26: Our Home.

30 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 3-7

Day 3: I’m grateful for the hard days. Showing up on the hard days, shows you what you’re made of, your areas of growth, and that you can do hard things

Day 4: I’m super thankful that my husband works from home. It’s made the transition from traveling full time to stationary life a little bit easier.

Day 5: I’m grateful for unexpected surprises that leave us feeling refreshed.

Day 6: For happy and healthy kids.

Day 7: My husband. He is funny. He’s creative. He works hard, and he listens.