
Today, progress looks like my kids playing bookstore!

They set up stations: a bookstore and a restaurants.

Now, they are taking turns visiting each establishment.

Free/pretend play is so important for kids to explore their creativity. To explore social interactions. To understand the world around them.

Last week, we started limiting technology time.

Since the pandemic began, we’ve been in transition after transition both physically (which is to be expected when you travel full-time), and in regards to finding employment opportunities that help us live this lifestyle. During this time, we have relied a little more on technology than we would have normally.

Sometimes, we have periods of more technology than other times. I’m learning to accept that’s ok! However, it’s important to notice when technology is interrupting healthy day-to-day functioning!

So, when the kids were throwing fits and having meltdowns, we knew it was time to adjust our schedule, and re-focus them on how to handle situations.

Today is a small victory! Our house feels peaceful, once again- as my kids are exploring free/pretend play, while getting along, and treating each other with kindness!

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